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From the Desk of Ms Preya Pillay – Head of Grade 6

Hooray! Everyone was so excited to go to camp. The students were all packed and ready to board the bus. The Grade 6 students sat next to their friends and waved at their parents as they departed. Everyone chatted and nibbled on their snacks whilst swopping stories about their holidays. The bus was even more electrified as they arrived at Camp Discovery.

They hopped off the bus and followed their councillors, Grace and Fresh to their dormitories. Waiting in anticipation, they all ran into our dorms to choose bunks and changed into their swimming costumes and had a refreshing swim.

They were then split into two teams and the first team went on a game drive. It was so interesting learning about different types of animals especially since we all live in the city. After that it was lunchtime. Everyone was waiting for this…the food was nothing but delicious!

After lunch the students went to the tuck shop and it had everything a child could ever dream of…lots and lots of sweets! They then went into the conference room and were taught about leadership because it is after all a leadership camp. When they were done they were split into their teams to do both intellectual as well as physical challenges.

Dinnertime, amazing food yet again! After a few more mental challenges in the conference room, it was time for the activity most of them were dreading…the infamous night march and stalk the lantern. When they returned to camp, it was lights out. Eventually we all fell asleep.

After a restful night’s sleep, the students bathed and had a hearty breakfast. Next was archery and target shooting with an air rifle. The students showed impeccable accuracy. Lunchtime…more yumminess! The Bundu race sounds exactly as enjoyable as it was. Here they had to follow directions in the bush, write descriptions of the camp, write the activities, write the lessons they learnt and compose a song all from scratch!

Ahhh! Mud my old friend. There is no camp without mud. The students waded through muddy water, crawled through mud, swam under a net covering and survived the obstacle course. It was such an amazing activity! After a well deserved shower, they had a delicious dinner with dessert as a treat. After dinner was preparation for the big production. This was the perfect platform to showcase their talents. The program ranged from acting, singing, dancing all the way to a fashion show. Wow, such a talented group. Lights out!

Our last morning at camp. The students bathed, packed their bags, ate breakfast and went to the tuck shop. Sadly, they loaded their bags onto the bus and with a heavy heart said a fond farewell to their councillors and beautiful Camp Discovery. This was an experience they most certainly are not going to forget in a hurry.