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About Summerhill

Ethics & Philosophy
Ethics & Philosophy

Pastoral Care, Religion & Ethics

Ethics are concerned with the moral actions of people. In general, school ethics apply to students, teachers, administrators, and the school board. For each of these entities, a Code of Ethics is usually created — from within the institution, through professional organizations, or by both. The Code of Ethics provides ethical standards that people associated with the school are expected to follow in relation to working with others and in the decision-making process. Ethical codes also establish consequences for individuals that do not abide by school ethics policies. The policies are intended to create an atmosphere of trust, honesty, and good citizenship.

School ethics in relation to students, are usually centred on students demonstrating respect for each other, teachers, and administrators. Additionally, ethical codes for students usually demand that students respect the facility where they are enrolled. One of the most significant factors concerning students and ethics in the schools is plagiarism — students are required to submit work that is uniquely their own, and be prepared to suffer suspension, expulsion, or other administrative actions if it is not.

Teachers and administrators are ethically guided through professional and institutional ethical codes. They are required to create a learning environment that fosters high ethical standards for students through modelling and instruction. Moreover, teachers and administrators typically create a safe learning environment in which all students have the same educational opportunities and can achieve success.



M-F: 8am – 3pm



011 468 1414




Cnr. 8th and 10th Roads
Noordwyk Erand, Midrand,