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From the Desk of Mrs Jané Britz Head of Grade 2 and Event Co-Ordinator

Wednesday, 20th July, the Grade 2 students had their first outing after Covid. Students were full of excitement and rearing to go. When we arrived at Croc City Crocodile and Reptile Park, our knowledgeable guide, Brendon welcomed us. We began our tour with a very informative video hosted by the late Steve Irwin. Students then toured the facility and were shown different crocodiles ranging from Cayman to the most renowned Nile Crocodile. Crocodiles ranging from pre-teenagers to almost fully grown adults were shown to the students. Students enjoyed a lovely picnic filled with special treats from home. They were able to feed the bunny rabbits and tortoises roaming around the park. This was a great hit!

After their break, students were led to an outdoor auditorium and shown various types of snakes and a baby crocodile was brought out. Much to the student’s delight, they were allowed to hold the little critter and enjoy the feel of a soft, slithery snake in their hands.

All had great fun. Teachers, students, and wonderful bus drivers alike!