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Walt Disney once said there is more treasure in books than all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island. At the Nursery, we have gained this treasure by opening our very own library. The Once Upon a Time Library is now up and running for all the nursery children to enjoy.The benefits to reading are endless but our favourite moments are when children get to choose books that simply spark an interest in them. Library visits are always filled with excitement as children express their love for their favourite topics, amongst the most popular are dinosaurs, cars and princesses.

The Library has been organised in a child-friendly way. Books are categorised according to themes and each book has a label in the form of a picture that matches the box that it belongs in. This allows children to browse through the shelves according to their interest and they are also able to pack books away on their own.

We hope that the Once Upon a Time Library inspires future scientists, race car drivers and archaeologists because we believe that children’s imaginations are limitless.

Summerhill Nursery Opens the “Once Upon A Time” Library